I have been integrating AngularJS with Rails using bower-rails gem and angular-rails-templates gem.
Recently, i've encountered a problem with templates in AngularJS. It gives me an error that looks like this in the chrome brower console:
Error: [$compile:tpload] Failed to load template: specific/html/url.html
I checked the template files and there was nothing wrong with them. My next step was to checkout if there are angular-rails-templates issues.
Unfortunately there is an issue between the Sprockets 3.0 and angular-rails-templates. There are multiple temporary hacks to make this work, however in my situation I don't need the new Sprockets update.
My solution is to revert back to the old Sprockets version, specifically version 2.12.3.
Specify sprockets version on Gemfile.
gem 'sprockets', '2.12.3'
If this runs successfully, you should be able to see this on the terminal: Using sprockets 2.12.3 (was 3.0.0)
And on your Gemfile.lock
sprockets (2.12.3)
That's it! Make sure you this issue in Github.